Thursday, October 29, 2009

City of Richmond Planning Commission Public Hearing set for Monday November 16, 2009

On Monday November 16,  2009,  City Planners from the Department of Historic Preservation will make a presentation to the Planning Commission about Union Hill and it's significance as a National Historic District.

At that time, it is expected that planners will recommend that Union Hill be designated a City Old and Historic District in order to protect its existing 19th century building stock and insure that new construction on vacant lots be respectful of the neighborhood's historic character and be in keeping with the Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Preservation and New Construction.

Members of the community and interested parties are invited to attend this public hearing.  At the close of speakers' remarks, The Planning Commission will discuss the proposed district and make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the designation of Union Hill as the City of Richmond's 15th City Old and Historic District.

Planning Commission hearings are held in the 5th Floor conference room of City Hall, beginning at 1:30pm.